Carmen's birthday was Thursday, and we've been planning to go to Paris for a while to celebrate. I have been counting down the weeks sine the beginning of January, not only to see Paris, but to see my good friend AK who always lets me crash at his place, and to have a weekend of fabulousness with Carmen!
So Paris was set up to be a great trip.
Little did we know it would be..
WBW played paparazzi all weekend, and we got some funny pics on the metro and just walking around.
I thank the Lord for photos, every time I look at them I smile because it's so clear how much fun we're having. Sigh, what a great weekend.
Thank God it wasn't snowing yet, because there was no place to sit with these huge things. So we just walked around enjoying our 3000 calorie treats. Worth every bit.
The rest of that day was spent buying/fudging costumes for a Superhero party that AK was invited to, and subsequently we were invited to, that night.
I went as "Wonderwoman" (hardly), WBW was.. Sexyman (or whoever anybody guessed he was), Carmen was Catwoman and AK went as Zorro!
French parties are a little.. different. They serve vegetables, for one thing- there was an entire bowl of RADISHES as party treats. I mean, not complaining on my current health food kick (I think I ate the entire bowl of sliced bell peppers).. but radishes? Really?
And they play GOD AWFUL MUSIC. Like nothing to dance to. But they thought it was dance music. They were wrong. so, hate to say it, but we took over the show. Praise the Lord for iPhones- plugged mine in and we were good to go. Were we the only 3 (WBW, Carmen and I- as the Americans.. and then occasionally AK as an American-loving French man) dancing, and I'd like to think we gave the party entertainment. Knowing we'd never see these people again, we just did whatever we wanted. I felt like it was a private party :p Then we did our own little photo shoots (I can't imagine what the French were thinking just watching us take pictures of ourselves for like an hour) for the rest of the night when our music selection was taken over, and made the best of it til we begged AK to leave (it became clear this was a couple's only party, and dancing by yourself can only last so long!)
Sunday morning we let ourselves sleep in a bit, and then to pay for it, we RAN to the American Breakfast place Carmen had heard of before to eat a little bit of home. Of course, once we got there just five minutes before the place closed for breakfast, we found out that they actually serve breakfast all day. Well, that's alright, before the bagels and pancakes (white chocolate, apple and almond pancake?! Best thing EVVERRR!!!) and breakfast burritoes and whatever else we ate, Im sure a little cardio wasn't bad :)
French parties are a little.. different. They serve vegetables, for one thing- there was an entire bowl of RADISHES as party treats. I mean, not complaining on my current health food kick (I think I ate the entire bowl of sliced bell peppers).. but radishes? Really?

Sunday morning we let ourselves sleep in a bit, and then to pay for it, we RAN to the American Breakfast place Carmen had heard of before to eat a little bit of home. Of course, once we got there just five minutes before the place closed for breakfast, we found out that they actually serve breakfast all day. Well, that's alright, before the bagels and pancakes (white chocolate, apple and almond pancake?! Best thing EVVERRR!!!) and breakfast burritoes and whatever else we ate, Im sure a little cardio wasn't bad :)
My favorite part of Sunday was Buttes Chaumont. AK told me about it when I came to Paris with MIF in December, and I'm so glad I took hsi advice to go check it out. This place is a huge park with gardens and waterfalls and a huge man mad mountain in the middle. It's the third highest peak in Paris (or something impressive like that). In the snow it was AWESOME. The moat around the island/mountain was frozen, so of course we tested fate and walked/skated on it (in Uggs or whatever shoes we were wearing). I got a little out of hand and tried to do some lovely spins , and I fell on my butt (pic below, mid-fall). Some man swore he heard a crack, WBW dragged me off the ice like a five year old, and AK scolded me for being wreckless. Ah, to be a five foot tall adult.. :p
Speaking of being a semi-adult, I STILL have lice. Found two huge gross bugs in my hair today.
I just want to crawl home to my mom so she can sit me down and do a RID treatment on my hair like I'm in the first grade again.
Also WBW if you're reading this, sorry I didn't tell you about the lice, I didn't want to freak you out. And I definitely thought I had gotten rid of it..
Also, I'm trying to cardio 75k in the next 6 days. Power walking, biking, and elliptical count. Wish me luck!
Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com